We're super proud to say we have completed the Apple review process for our Global Game Jam 2013 Project:
When we conceived this game we envisioned it running on a touch pad device and we're really happy we were able to release the game in a free to play setting. Other than the necessary steps to get the game up on the iStore, this game is more or less exactly as it was at the end of the 48 hour jam that it was created in. We made the design choice to release only for iPad, because we had limited time on our Global Game Jam provided Unity Licenses and the recent upgrades to iOS 6.0 on our development device made things difficult. It is awesome just to have this project out, especially because we're about to go into our February jam session on Tumbleweed Express - positive team confidence booster right before starting an epic weekend!
RoboHeart: The Pulse! |
Simple instructions: drag the robot arm on the left bot back to aim, release in the direction you want, and tap the screen once to initiate a pulse and again when it is over an power up you want to use or to cancel the pulse and start again. Instructions are in the top left corner, the top right corner is your time limit. There are a total of 9 levels to play through. Unfortunately the game is "AS IS" because our licenses situation.... what are you going to do? Enjoy!